Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quick low-carb snacks

One of the concerns I had when embarking on my weight reduction effort was how I'd manage when I was away from home and had to make do for a meal. I'd learned that chicken was a great choice and one recent afternoon, when I'd missed lunch, had to travel to a meeting about 90 miles away and didn't have time to go to a restaurant, Wal Mart came to the rescue! I made a quick search for a snack with a low carb count and ended up at the deli counter. They offered a chicken item called 'Wing Dings' -- basically fried wings without all the spice and sauce. I picked up a cup full and found that it made a great quick-meal. Later, I did a search and found specs that list a 3 ounce portion to carry 7 grams of carbs -- about twice my bench-mark of KFC's grilled chicken, but close enough for an occasional snack.

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